Autogenerated Fields

New instances come with a set of default fields for your convenience. Learn how to use these fields for global information, SEO settings, and other important information.

When you create an instance and open the content manager it will load mostly as a blank canvas (unless you load a pre-generated blueprint) with a few preset fields.


Globals (formerly Content Clippings) is a Content Model designed to store content not assigned to any one page or other content entry. Often these content pieces are used site wide or control settings and default behavior.

When an instance is initially created, you will land in the Content dashboard. Here you'll be able to navigate through the autogenerated sets and fields. Under Headless, you'll find Globals. Globals is an autogenerated data set with fields intended to be used globally throughout a property. Globals comes default with three fields which are shown in the table below. These fields can be deactivated, renamed, reordered, or otherwise edited via the Schema section. They are not required.

Display NameReference NameField Type
Site Namesite_nametext
Site Logologoimage
Footer Textfooter_texttext

Referencing in Parsley

To reference a field in Globals use {{ globals.field_name }} where field_name is replaced with the reference name to the field you want to access.


Instances will autogenerate a Homepage. This is a Single Page component in the Content Structure. It can also be edited or removed under the Schema section.
Note: To remove a homepage, another page must first be assigned as the new homepage before it can be deleted.

The default fields for Homepage are as follows:

Display NameReference NameField Type
Lead in Titlesite_nametext
Intro Textintro_textwysiwyg
Main Imagemain_imageimage

Page Settings

All pages (including page groups) are loaded with editable Meta and SEO settings. The entries for these settings can be edited in the Content section within the page itself by clicking the gray Open Settings button.


ZUIDs are autogenerated unique identifier strings for all content set entries in including Pages, Page Groups and Data Sets. Content sets are created on tables with each field as a column and each entry as a row, the ZUID is created for each row.

To call the ZUID of a page while editing that page's view in the Editor, you can use the following code snippet:

{{ page.zuid }}

To call the ZUID of a collection, you can use the following code snippet:

{{ collection.first().set_zuid }}

Relationships in are connected by their ZUID.