Common Parsley Errors

Find a list of common Parsley errors below to help you troubleshoot your error.

Working with Errors

Errors are designed to help the developer write proper Parsley to achieve consistent results. Errors are only outputted in stage/preview rendering of Web Engine. Production/live WebEngine urls do not output errors.

Errors can be suppressed in stage/preview in 3 ways:

  1. ! Ignore: Suppress errors on individual calls by prepending it with a bang (!) like so {{!this.asdasdsad}}. This is especially useful when using the loader or similar files for checking content model fields. Another common technique is using an if-conditional: {{if {!this.myfield} }} ...code... {{end-if}} to check for a field. Using a bang in such if-conditionals allows you to globally check for null fields without triggering an error.

  2. Bypass: Ignore all errors on a page for a single page load by appending the query parameter _bypassError to the end of any URL in stage/preview Web Engine


  3. Instance Settings: In the manager navigate to you instance's Settings section, and then select Developer from the right-hand sidebar. Look for a setting called "Use Parsley Debugger" and select it, then save to ignore all errors.

Common Error List

Note: If you do not see your error here please report it to us at [email protected]

Invalid numeric literal

Syntax error, unexpected *

This error results from missing quotes around a string or missing curly brackets in an if-conditional. Resolve it by adding quotes around the string and ensuring the comparative operator is double equal sign (==) and add missing curly brackets around inner conditionals; for example {{ if this.field }} becomes {{ if {this.field} }}.

Syntax error, unexpected /

This results from empty values in a Parsley Math() statement. Resolve this by ensuring that there are values around your operators. For example Math( / 100 * 2) becomes Math( 200 / 100 * 2).

Syntax Error, Unexpected '{'

Commonly refers to a Parsley statement that is not properly closed. Look for missing closing brackets } or }} to resolve the error.

The field * _ does not exist *_ on the content model

A field does not exist on specific model. This results from an unidentified field in the following calls {{ this.something }} and {{ if {this.something} }}

The content model * cannot be found.

This error results from a missing or mis-named content model. Resolve this error by navigating to your instance's Schema section and ensuring that its reference name is correct and creating it if it doesn't exist.

Unknown or ambiguous field * in * on the * content model.

Often results from calling a field in an Each Loop without scope properly declared.

Your filter statement is missing opening or closing ' ' (quotes for strings) or {} (curly brackets for parsley references)

'Filter statements' refer to statements using the following calls: .filter(), .first(), and .last(). To resolve this error add quotes around strings, for example { page.parent_zuid } becomes '{ page.parent_zuid }'; if single brackets are missing, add them. For example page.parent_zuid becomes { page.parent_zuid }.

zuid is ambiguous needs to be qualified as z.zuid

Results from a malformed filter call. filter(zuid = '{...}') call needs to be qualified as with z.zuid filter(z.zuid = '{...}')