
WebEngine has three options for rendering output to work with different data access styles, which are called modes. Modes only affect WebEngine.

Modes give teams the ultimate flexibility to work in the style of their implementation target. Mode change the output behavior of WebEngine from only serving JSON to rendering full HTML pages.

Modes do not affect the Read/Write APIs (Instances API, Accounts API, or Media API)

Traditional Mode

Default WebEngine Mode: traditional

If you are building HTML experiences solely on and want to guard against people accessing your content outside of the HTML document, traditional is right. GET APIs that expose content need to be turned on manually, giving teams the options to turn on some items but not others. Custom JSON or other data format endpoints made with Parsley can still be made without an affect on access.

Key AspectHow it work in Traditional Mode
HTML RenderingAll Views render with Parsley by default, HTML document body is auto generated.
Content APIsInstant and GraphQL (gql) APIs must be installed and explicitly turned toggled on through settings, CORS rejects remote client requests outside of the serving domain unless explicitly told otherwise through settings. Headless routing is not available.
JSON AccessRoutes (View Rendering) does not have access /?toJSON, custom made JSON views are accessible.
SEOSEO is automated on page from user input on each content item.

Headless Mode

WebEngine Mode: headless

Mode is best for team who's engineers work fully outside of, example technologies, but not limited to, would be NextJS, NuxtJS, or Angular. When headless mode is on, all routes render as JavaScript object notation (JSON).

Key AspectHow it behaves in Headless Mode
HTML RenderingOff. Routes to content items render Hydrated JSON. Custom HTML endpoints are still available.
Content APIsInstant and GraphQL (gql) APIs are on, CORS is * allowing client requests from any domain. Headless routing is available from /-/headless/
JSON AccessRoutes automatically render JSON. The /?toJSONis available to return routes with meta data, using /?toJSON=nometa
SEOSEO is available on content items with routes, and from the key [meta] off the JSON object, and is also available from the/-/headless/routing.json

Hybrid Mode

WebEngine Mode:hybrid

Hybrid is best of both worlds. Pages still render HTML at their routes, but they can also render JSON with a simple get parameter. For example /about/ would return HTML, but /about/?toJSON would return a fully hydrated JSON object of the about page.

Key AspectHow it work in Hybrid Mode
HTML RenderingAll Views render with Parsley by default, HTML document body is auto generated.
Content APIsInstant and GraphQL (gql) APIs are on, CORS is * allowing client requests from any domain. Headless routing is available from /-/headless/
JSON AccessRoutes can render JSON with by using a /?toJSON, query parameter at the end of any route. Custom made JSON views and other datatypes are also accessible.
SEOSEO is automated on page from user input on each content item, and is also available from toJSON calls or the /headless/routing.json endpoint

Changing a mode will instantly modify the output behavior of WebEngine

Change WebEngine Mode

WebEngine Mode is controlled by a setting that can be found in the Manager UI Settings under General. The default mode is always "Traditional".

WebEngine Mode