Guide (Local React App)

An example project guide in creating a Local React App

Github repository for this Walkthrough Guide:

Getting Started with the Example App

First, we'll need to install the pull-zesty package. (For more detail, see the docs page on pullzesty)

git clone
cd pullzesty
npm link

Next, lets clone the example app

cd path/to/your/projects/folder
git clone
cd Zesty-Local-React-Example

Now, all we need to do to run is install the required dependencies

npm install
npm start

Note how calling npm start also calls pullzesty

Understanding the Example Project

The zesty.yaml file defines what endpoints we rely on. In this case, we are using two custom endpoints, "/-/basic-api/homepage.json" and "/-/custom/menulist.json"

We save the .json from these endpoints into src/data and use the data in our React code. This can be seen in src/Home.js and src/Menu.js.

// Home.js
import React, { Component } from "react";
let homepageJSON = require("./data/homepage.json");

export default class Home extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      homeData: {}
  componentDidMount() {
    const loadData = () => {
      let data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(homepageJSON));
      this.setState({ homeData: data });
  render() { // greatly simplified for explanation, see the full file on Github
    return (
      <div data-spy="scroll" data-target="#site-navbar" data-offset="200">
        <h1 className="site-heading no- mb-3">
          { &&
        <h2 className="h5 site-subheading mb-5 no-">
          { &&

Note how the only difference between the local and remote examples is componentDidMount

Using componentDidMount, we're able to load in our JSON and render it accordingly. After we load it in, it's just a matter of parsing a JS Object.

Additionally, it's not too much different to change this to work remotely instead of locally, as the next guide will show.