If Conditionals

Learn the fundamentals on how to write if statements in Parsley.

Parsley provides {{if}} conditional statements for logic flow.

Checking Equality

When writing if conditionals you can check equality with a single equals character; ==. Equality can also be inverted with a bang; !=.

If you're evaluating another Parsley expression including autogenerated fields inside of an if conditional use single curly brackets to wrap your expression. If you are expecting this variable to be a string (this includes ZUIDs) be sure to wrap it in quotes.

(** Inner Parsley expression **)
{{ if {this.title} == 'Hello, World' }}
    It works!

(** Inverted equality **)
{{if {item.zuid} != {this.item_page} }}
   <a href="/" class="home"><img src="..." /></a>

(** checking if a value exists on a content item **)
{{if {this.image} }}
<img src="{{this.image.getImage()}}" alt="{{this.image_text}}">

If / Else

When writing an if conditional you can also specify an else condition.

{{ if {page.path_part} == 'special-page' }}
    This is the special page!
    This is not the special page!

If / Else If / Else

You may have multiple conditionals using else if

{{ if {page.path_part} == 'special-page' }}
    This is the special page!
{{else if {page.path_path} == 'another-path' }}
    This is another page {{include another-snippet}}
    This is neither pages :(