Video Embedding or Streaming Capabilities can display video through 3rd party video services or self hosted videos uploaded to the media service.

Embedding Video from Youtube, Instagram and Vimeo

Standard embed codes provided by social media sites may be copy and pasted into a WYSIWYG Editor or directly into the content model HTML view file.

In youtube, click share, then click the embed option to get this view.
Video Embed

Web Developers can take advantage of parsley by adding a field to a content model called "youtube_id" (for example), and can make dynamic template views by using code like this:

<iframe width="560" 
        frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" 

Streaming Video

For running your own stream, we suggest using a third party like A Mux stream can be put into any view, and a content model field and parsley can be used to give the Content Editor control of the stream id. In this example, we use the field name playback_id for the Mux stream ID

<video id="liveStream" autoplay controls height="900" width="1600"></video>

<!-- Use HLS.js to support the HLS format in browsers. -->
<script src="[email protected]"></script>
		// Replace with your asset's playback ID
		var playbackId = "{{this.playback_id}}";
		var url = ""+playbackId+".m3u8";
		// HLS.js-specific setup code
		if (Hls.isSupported()) {
			var video = document.getElementById("liveStream");
			var hls = new Hls();

Video Conferencing

You can run your own video conferencing setup on using Vidyo, create an account. The setup requires view editing with javascript and an external server server call to issue a connection token.

View Code Example

	function makeid(length) {
  var result = "";
  var characters =
  var charactersLength = characters.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
  return result;

// Add Vidyo Libray Callback
function onVidyoClientLoaded(status) {
  switch (status.state) {
    case "READY":
      // Create Vidyoconnector
		  viewId: null, //"renderer",
        viewStyle: "VIDYO_CONNECTORVIEWSTYLE_Default",
        remoteParticipants: 3,
        logFileFilter: "warning info@VidyoClient info@VidyoConnector",
        logFileName: "",
        userData: "",
      }).then(function (vidyoConnector) {
        //For acessing camera, microphone and speaker in chrome for latest vidyo library register this device listener
            onAdded: function (localCamera) {
              // New camera is available
            onRemoved: function (localCamera) {
              // Existing camera became unavailable
            onSelected: function (localCamera) {
              // Camera was selected/unselected by you or automatically
            onStateUpdated: function (localCamera, state) {
              // Camera state was updated
          .then(function () {
            console.log("RegisterLocalCameraEventListener Success");
          .catch(function () {
            console.error("RegisterLocalCameraEventListener Failed");

        // Handle appearance and disappearance of microphone devices in the system
            onAdded: function (localMicrophone) {
              // New microphone is available
            onRemoved: function (localMicrophone) {
              // Existing microphone became unavailable
            onSelected: function (localMicrophone) {
              // Microphone was selected/unselected by you or automatically
            onStateUpdated: function (localMicrophone, state) {
              // Microphone state was updated
          .then(function () {
            console.log("RegisterLocalMicrophoneEventListener Success");
          .catch(function () {
            console.error("RegisterLocalMicrophoneEventListener Failed");

        // Handle appearance and disappearance of speaker devices in the system
            onAdded: function (localSpeaker) {
              // New speaker is available
            onRemoved: function (localSpeaker) {
              // Existing speaker became unavailable
            onSelected: function (localSpeaker) {
              // Speaker was selected/unselected by you or automatically
            onStateUpdated: function (localSpeaker, state) {
              // Speaker state was updated
          .then(function () {
            console.log("RegisterLocalSpeakerEventListener Success");
          .catch(function () {
            console.error("RegisterLocalSpeakerEventListener Failed");
        let user = makeid(5);
        let tokenEndpoint =
          "" +

          .then((response) => {
            return response.json();
          .then((data) => {
            var token = data.token;
              host: "",
              token: token,
              displayName: user,
              resourceId: "testRoom", //Conference Name
              onSuccess: function () {
                console.log("Sucessfully connected");
              onFailure: function (reason) {
                console.log("Error while connecting ", reason);
              onDisconnected: function (reason) {
                console.log("Disconnected ", reason);
              .then(function (status) {})
              .catch(function () {});
    case "RETRYING":
    case "FAILED":
      console.log("Failed Version");
    case "NOTAVAILABLE":
      console.log("Not Available");
  return true;

<div id="renderer" style="position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 0px; bottom: 0px; z-index: 99; height: 100%; width: 100%;"></div>
<script src=""></script>

GCP Cloud Function that issues a Token

exports.vidyoToken = (req, res) => {
  const cors = require("cors")();

  cors(req, res, () => {
    exportVidyoToken(req, res);

const exportVidyoToken = async (req, res) => {
    if (!req.hasOwnProperty('query') && !req.query.hasOwnProperty('userName')) {
        return res.status(400).send("Error: expected userName param.");

    jsSHA = require('jssha');
    btoa = require('btoa');
    fs = require('fs');
    var tokenGenerated = false;
    function generateToken(key, appID, userName, expiresInSeconds, vCard) {
        var EPOCH_SECONDS = 62167219200;
        var expires = Math.floor( / 1000) + expiresInSeconds + EPOCH_SECONDS;
        var shaObj = new jsSHA("SHA-384", "TEXT");
        shaObj.setHMACKey(key, "TEXT");
        jid = userName + '@' + appID;
        var body = 'provision' + '\x00' + jid + '\x00' + expires + '\x00' + vCard;
        var mac = shaObj.getHMAC("HEX");
        var serialized = body + '\0' + mac;
        return btoa(serialized);

    let userName = req.query.userName
    let expiresInSeconds = 99999;
    let expiresAt = '';
    let appID = process.env.APP_ID
    let key = process.env.DEVELOPER_KEY
    let vCard = ''

    let token = generateToken(key, appID, userName, expiresInSeconds, "");
    return res.status(200).json({
        'token': token,
        'user': userName

WebRTC Options

Here is a list of 3rd party service options for peer to peer streaming through a website or mobile app.

  1. Zoom - $100 for 4000 minutes ($0.025/minute)
    1. Pros - Large-scale, reliable company with solid, proven tech, robust API
    2. Cons - Expensive, lots of features, could potentially restrict content
  2. Vidyo - $3000 for 250,000 minutes ($0.012/minute)
    1. Pros - Simple html code to get started
    2. Cons - Company is focused on medical, large-scale accounts, weak support
  3. EasyRTC - Free if you host your own
    1. Pros - Do it yourself, more control, free
    2. Cons - Bare bones, no support
  4. Twilio Video - $0.0015/minute for peer-to-peer, $0.01/minutes for room features
    1. Pros - Great price for peer-to-peer only meaning you don’t get server-based room features
    2. Cons - Only 10 people per room max, no group room features like recording, messaging, etc
  5. AppRTC - Free, DIY
    1. Pros - The ultimate bare bones, google sample app for WebRTC
    2. Cons - Online demo had maybe 1- 1.5s delay, probably harder to implement
  6. - $2.50 per/1,000 minutes ($0.0025/minute) for 720p
    1. Pros - No limit on rooms, inexpensive, lots of features such as broadcasting, solid codebase
    2. Cons - Website not as enticing as Twilio but not bad either