Remote Integrations

Parsley can make web requests to remote data for server side rendering.

JSON Iteration with Parsley

{{each api.json.get( as obj}}



The above code is an example of pulling remote JSON data (this can be from any source, just happens to be the example). The JSON you are accessing has to be in a specific structure which is one of two options.

Parsley will add _index _length and _numto each object, if you have references to those fields in your JSON object, they will be overwritten. You can use {{obj.num}}, {{obj._index}} or {{obj._length}} to aid in your logic. Index starts at 0, num starts at 1.

Note that the "limit" clause in an each loop does not apply to remote endpoint iterations.

JSON Formatting Options

Remote JSON Format Option 1: Single Flat Object

    "title": "Hello, World"

Remote JSON Format Option 2: An Array of Flat Objects

    {"title": "Hello, World"},
    {"title": "FooBar"}

Handling Errors

When an error occurs (eg. timeout or bad JSON formatting) the each loop will return over a single flat error object. You can handle this by first looking for an error object field name error or by simply ignoring it by writing a single if statement that looks for a value from your object.

Handling Errors Method 1: Check for error object

{{each api.json.get( as obj}}

    {{if {obj.error} }}

    (** output an error message if desired **)
    <span style="color:red">{{obj.error}}</span>


    (** put actual presentation here)



Handling Errors Method 2: Check for a field on your custom object

{{each api.json.get( as obj}}

    {{if {obj.title} }}




Timeout: There is a 3 second timeout on all remote requests. If the request does not return in 3 seconds, and error will be thrown and nothing will be returned.

Including a Remote File

You can also include a remote file for Parsley execution. This is useful for single-source templating or integrating pre-rendered javascript like React modules. Click ahead to the include documentation to learn how to include a remote file into your Parsley execution.

Include Syntax

GroupBy (GBi) eCommerce Search

GroupBy is a smart eCommerce search tool that can reference millions of rich product data points in seconds. integrates with GroupBy in these ways: search, product lookup, personalized navigation, and personalized product refinement lookups. The GroupBy integration into the's Server Side Rendering language Parsley can be used to produce statically cached, search engine rich, product pages, category pages, search pages, and home pages.

This integration requires an api from GroupBy, and three settings in Zesty. The settings are:

  • [groupby][client-key] // (optional) unique client key
  • [groupby][url] // api endpoint
  • [groupby][collection] // the default groupby collection

Working in Parsley

In Parsley each loops can be used to iterate over search, product, refinements, or navigation data from GroupBy.

Searching GroupBy (

This method allows you to run a string based search to your GroupBy API

{{each, area, search, limit) as result}}
    <img src="{{result.visualVariants:0:productImage}}" alt="{{result.title}} Image">

Parameter Breakdown of

  • collection: The collection name from GroupBy e.g. products
  • area: The area name from GroupBy e.g. Storefront
  • search: Search query e.g. Red Dress
  • limit: Maximum results to return and each through e.g. 20 (defaults to 10)

Accessing Nested Data

GroupBy results are custom tailored per each customer implementation, because of that, zesty flattens the returned object so Parsley can access it like {{result.visualVariants:0:productImage}}the use of the semicolons is in place of . , so treat it as you were accessing a JSON (javascript object notation) object.

Working with JSON output

You may output a full JSON string from the result to view the object to know paths like {{result.visualVariants:0:productImage}}or as a shortcut to work with dynamic javascript rendering. It is done like this:

<p>View the JSON string</p>

<p>Access the object with javascript</p>
    let myobj = {{result._json}}; // this will auto create the javascript object

Accessing a Product from GroupBy (api.gbi.product)

Parsley can be used to server side render product pages by accessing GroupBy. The result is search engine rich and fast loading statically cached pages.

{{each api.gbi.product(collection, area, productId) as product}}
    <img src="{{product.visualVariants:0:productImage}}" alt="{{product.title}} Image">
    <!-- this gets the first naviigation refinement available -->
    <p>Refinements count: {{navitem._refinementCount}}</p>
    <p>Refinements String: {{navitem._refinements}}</p>

Accessing a Rich Navigation from GroupBy (api.gbi.navigation)

{{each api.gbi.navigation(collection, area, search) as navitem}}
    <p>Refinements count: {{navitem._refinementCount}}</p>
    <p>Refinements String: {{navitem._refinements}}</p>

Accessing a Search with Refinements from GroupBy (api.gbi.searchWithRefinements)

A very powerful feature of GroupBy is to make searches, but with relative refinements based on the product being browsed.

{{each api.gbi.navigation(collection, area, search, refinements, limit) as refinedSearchItem}}
    <img src="{{refinedSearchItem.visualVariants:0:productImage}}" alt="{{result.title}} Image">

This functionality can be used in conjunction with search or product navigation output to produce results that output similar to how generates. Parsley conveniently generates a string that can be passed to achieve these results.

<!-- Custom Related Items Below the Product -->

{{each api.gbi.navigation(products, Storefront, productID, 5) as relatedNavItem}}
<h2>Total Refinements: {{navitems._refinementCount}}</h2>
<!-- this store a string for later access -->
{{$refinements = {navitem._refinements} }}
    {{each api.gbi.searchWithRefinements(products, Storefront, ,{$refinements},10) as refined }}

How the Refinements String Works

Parsley needs strings passed to it, therefore a custom string output was made to handle what is normally a JSON array of objects posted to a GroupBy endpoint. Here is an example the string needed for Zesty:

categories*1:Value:Jewelry Watches|categories*1:Value:Women|categories*1:Value:Bed Bath|categories*1:Value:Men|categories*1:Value:Fine China|categories*1:Value:Handbags Accessories|categories*1:Value:Plus Sizes|categories*1:Value:Dining Entertaining|categories*1:Value:Bath Rugs Bath Mats|categories*1:Value:Shower Curtains

It's a delimited string. Here is how it works if you need to generate your own string. * represents ., colons : act like CSV, | are the delimiter.