When and When Not to Use Freestyle

This guide highlights key scenarios for using Freestyle, such as for complex functionalities, recurring content, and relational models.

When to Use Freestyle

1. Complex Functionality

Use Freestyle when the functionality is too complex to be efficiently handled by standard content fields. This enhances user interaction, provides dynamic content, and allows for more sophisticated layouts.


  • Lead Forms: To capture user information with custom fields and validations.
  • Add to Cart: For e-commerce functionalities with dynamic updates.
  • Sliders: To display multiple images or content in a limited space.
  • Map Finders: Interactive maps for location-based services.
  • Interactive Components: Such as quizzes, calculators, or interactive infographics.
  • Standard Page Layouts: Templates for consistent layout across various pages.

2. Recurring Experiences

Ideal for content or features that are repeated across multiple pages or sections of the website. By using Freestyle, this ensures consistency, saves time in content management, and allows for easy updates.


  • FAQ Sections: Frequently asked questions that appear across different product or service pages.
  • Logo Trust Bars: To showcase partner or client logos consistently.
  • CTAs (Call to Actions): Uniform buttons or links prompting user action.
  • Forms: Contact forms, subscription forms, etc., used in multiple locations.

3. Relational Models

Useful for content that is interlinked or related to other content pieces. Freestyle enhances content discoverability and navigation, provides a richer user experience.


  • Tags: For categorizing articles, products, or other content types.
  • Categories: To group content into distinct sections.
  • Testimonials: Linked to specific products, services, or experiences.
  • Related Articles: To suggest additional reading or content based on the current page.

When Not to Use Freestyle

1. Standard Page Content

Avoid using Freestyle for basic content that doesn't require special functionality. This will keep the site lightweight, improves load times, and simplifies content management.


  • Title: Basic headings or titles on a page.
  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Content: Standard text content like paragraphs, basic images.
  • Page Body: The main content area of a page without complex layouts or features.

2. Experiences Achievable with Columns, Rows

If the layout or design can be achieved with basic grid systems like columns and rows, avoid using components so that it will be easier to manage and style, and less resource-intensive.


  • Simple image and text layouts that can be achieved with standard CSS grid or flexbox layouts.
  • Basic content groupings that don’t require interactive or dynamic functionalities.

Additional Tips

  • Consistency in Design: Ensure that the use of components aligns with the overall design and branding of the site.

  • User Experience: Always prioritize the end-user experience. Components should enhance, not complicate, the user journey.